Update: now that I have been able to set-up my LGP I have put together a set of instructions for using the C875’s PC-free mode & also recorded a quality test. The raw video was rendered in Sony Vegas using the same template that I used for my old Game Capture HD.
Last week I posted a blog to say that I was awaiting delivery of my AVerMedia Live Gamer Portable. Well, it arrived on Friday** and – due to work commitments – it is still sat in the packaging on my desk.
** I wanted to say “sadly” but you should never complain about having lots of work on. Especially when you’re self employed! Unfortunately games have to take a back seat sometimes 🙁
In any case, I have made some time this evening to record a quick unboxing video and I plan to try out the PC less/ PC free mode tomorrow night. If you want to see either video, make sure you are subscribed to my YouTube channel.
AVerMedia Live Gamer Portable: How to set-up PC Free mode

Regular readers will know that I currently record my gameplay with the AVerMedia Game Capture HD which stores footage on an internal hard drive (or USB stick). As per the diagram above it looks as though the Live Gamer Portable connects in exactly the same fashion, so it shouldn’t take me too long to get this bad boy up and running.
However, I do notice a couple of differences:
1. The AVerMedia Live Gamer Portable has a built in battery so it can be used without a USB connection to your console. I don’t really see why you would need this but it seems pretty cool nonetheless; and
2. Unlike the Game Capture HD, which stores to an internal HDD or USB stick, the Live Gamer Portable utilises an SD card when in PC-free mode. I have some knocking around at home but they are all relatively small, so I have just ordered this 128GB beast from Amazon.co.uk. I paid £78 with free postage and, at the time of ordering, there were apparently fewer than 10 available. I say apparently as I wonder how much of that is just a marketing ploy! Those of you in the US of A can pick up 128GB storage for your LGP for a snip over $100.
It is also worth pointing out the Live Gamer Portable is massively restricted when using PC-free mode, recording a (relatively) modest 720p at 16 Mbps. When hooked up to a computer it’ll do 1080p at an astonishing 60 Mbps!
If for whatever reason you cannot fathom the above image the chances are you also struggle with the interwebs. But, just in case, here is a step by step tutorial:
More information on the AVerMedia Live Gamer Portable.
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[…] commission every time someone makes a purchase via an affiliate link. Take my guide for setting up PC-free mode on the AVerMedia Live Gamer Portabe as an example: nestled within the post are a couple of Amazon […]
Has anyone managed to get PC-Free Mode working on the Playstation 4?
I’ve spent a good couple of hours Googling how to set-up & use the AVerMedia LGP with the Sony PS4 and, to my frustration, I keep ending up here. Whilst it’s nice having such a well ranking post, it’s very frustrating as I know my entry doesn’t have the solution.
Amongst the search results I managed to find an article posted by Elgato (http://goo.gl/na9qdl) which suggests Sony’s latest software udpate makes it possible for people to record using external game capture devices.
The process is as follows:
1. Install the 1.70 firmware update which Sony made available on 30th April, 2014.
2. Disconnect your LGP / Elgato etc and connect your PS4 directly to your TV via HDMI.
3. In your PS4 menu go to Settings > System and then turn off “Enable HDCP” (if you have trouble finding it, watch the steps in this video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHq4TZoDSMM)
4. After that, reconnect your capture device and you should be able to record*
* I am hoping to try this later this week!
The method above doesn’t work but with a bit of messing around I have managed to record PS4 gameplay using the LGP in PC-Free Mode.
Tutorial: https://gaming-headsets.co.uk/capture-cards/avermedia-lgp-ps4-pc-free-mode-set-up-guide-quality-test/
Quality test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYsjTQFtyM8&feature=youtu.be