FIFA 13: how to perform the all new skill moves (XBOX tutorial)

A couple of days ago I showed you how to carry out the all new skill moves in FIFA 13. Now I admit the video was PS3 specific, but I did include a little table to help people “convert” the instructions to their XBOX equivalent. Presumably this wasn’t good enough as a few people Tweeted me asking for an XBOX guide, so here you go….

Performing the all new skill moves in FIFA 13 [XBOX video tutorial]

The tricks covered in the video are the Reverse Elastico, Hocus Pocus Pass, Precision Dribbling, Fancy Fake Shot, Ball Roll Flick, Fake Shot Pass (often called the Henry Pass), Reverse In Air Elastico and the Back Heel Shot. It also shows you an update to the Fake Shot To Stop, which has been tweaked slightly although the controls remain the same.

If you’re new to the FIFA series then I suggest you check out this introduction to skill moves, which covers all 50 flicks & tricks, starting with the most basic. I’d suggest picking a couple of the easier ones and trying to work them into your play style.

Personally, I don’t tend to use that many skills, besides the fake shot and a couple of flicks. It’s very, very unlikely that you’ll see me busting out In Air Elasticos!!

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